Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Course 13 8-beat calypso shuffle

It's a bright chord progression on 8-beat shuffle.
Play the calypso rhythm that you learned before.

Play it with shuffle.

The result will be as above.
Signs used in the score include '+' for playing long, '-' for playing short and 'o' for unstroke.

More information

03 Notes, rests, rhythms, meters, tempos, calypso rhythm
08 Slow rock, shuffle, swing rhythm, I'm yours 

Do not just watch the video and follow it. It is more important for you to analyze it.

Compare the difference between playing the calypso rhythm with and without shuffle.

Part that people usually make mistakes

People usually make mistakes for notes with rest signs. Rest signs means that you pause for their durations and therefore you can consider their durations same as the notes.

In addition, people also have difficulty in playing 2/3 type polyrhythm.

You need to play a triplet of quarter notes in 2 beats.
Please consider it to play six eighth notes by tying each 2 notes.

You can feel somewhat different with the 2/3 type polyrhythm.
The polyrhythm is frequently used in the section part (where all instruments play the same rhythm).

New chord



The full chord is as follows:

As you are familiar with even numbered beats which are widely used in dance and ballad songs, you may feel difficulty in this odd numbered beat. However, such shuffle rhythm is a basic one for the blues which is the root of the modern music and therefore you need to get used to it.

Tab score download

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