Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Course 27 Shuffle percussive & staccato

Today you will practice the percussive playing in shuffle rhythm and learn how to play staccato rhythms with fingering.

Basic rhythm

This chord progression is based on 8-beat shuffle rhythm and its pattern is played based on the root + harmonies.

The section part of the G chord at the end of the intro

The part played with staccato

Let's watch the video to see how the song is played.

You need to mute the string as fast as possible while playing the chord with your right hand.

The part which contains 4 chords in a bar may be difficult if you are not familiar with the barre chord changes yet.
Please take your time to practice parts repeatedly.

More information

14 How to read tab score /basics on an arpeggio
26 Percussive playing technique

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