Saturday, March 7, 2015

Course 8-slow rock, shuffle and swing rhythms [acoustic guitar lesson for beginner]

We have learned 8-beat and 16-beat rhythms with seven songs so far.
Those who begin to play the guitar may not master all these seven songs.
However, those rhythms that we learned will continue to appear in songs that we will learn and therefore if you keep practicing with repeated playing, you will suddenly be able to play them well.
You can practice 7 songs for 5 minutes respectively and then practice new rhythms that you learn.
It will take 35 minutes a day only with reviewing the previous courses and therefore the practicing will be quite considerable.

Slow rock rhythm

Today you will learn a rhythm in which 1 beat is divided into three.
What divides a note into three is called a triplet.

You can make a triplet by combining three of the note which were evenly divided from not only a quarter note but also other notes.

Slow rock rhythm is usually used in down tempo songs.
It is usually to play with down strokes for those songs shown in the following videos.

For more information on note and rhythms,

03 Notes, rests, rhythms, meters, tempos, calypso rhythm

Shuffle and swing rhythms

They are rhythms created by prefixing two notes to a triplet.

It is usually called swing for up tempo songs but basically those two rhythms are the same.

Shuffle rhythm is indicated on the left top of a score as follows:

Or sometimes the only word shuffle or swing is written on a score without any signs.

Usually the following is most frequently used.

If you see the sign, despite notes are described in eighth notes.

You need to play shuffle rhythm as follows:

It is also same for the 16-beat shuffle.
Thus, though the notes are described in sixteenth notes,

you need to play shuffle rhythm as follows:

Playing 8-beat and 16-beat shuffle with same tempo

You may also divide into 16-beat or play it with down and up strokes for up tempo songs.

With the end of today's course, you have learned all the rhythms used in pop songs worldwide.
You can play all the songs by combining 8-beat, 16-beat and shuffle rhythms.

Remaining items are complicated chords and techniques along with an arpeggio.
I will be back to you with the latest songs and great songs.

More information

About how to use this blog and do the self practice

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